Friday, December 10, 2010

Those $#%! hormones!

We did it. We had another baby. That's three - three for me! But my hormones this go-round were out of control.
The worst part for me was the tiredness, which led to depression. I've never been depressed before, and I have to admit that I was scared. Those feelings can be completely overwhelming.

I wondered if anyone of you had this problem. Are you willing to share you stories?


  1. I had really bad post-partum depression after I had my daughter. Depression was nothing new to me, I've battled it all my life, but the hormone factor really made things especially intense.

    I'm so sorry you have had to go through this. I hope you're doing better now.

    My best advice to anyone dealing with this is, and with kids and all I know this is a stretch-but try to get as much help as you can with the house, the kids, and meals and all- and as much sleep as you can. It will NOT cure everything obviously but your body is already taxed beyond belief from pregnancy/motherhood- in general, when you're severely sleep deprived, it makes every mountain seem even higher (especially the pile of laundry that always waiting...)

    Please be sure to ask for help from your doctors/family/friends/a therapist or spiritual advisor if that comforts you-- any and all of those-- if/when you feel overwhelmed or frightened. When it's bad it can feel like it's never going to end. But you can feel healthy again.

    And be kind to yourself, too. Mother's are doing a very hard job- stressful. Try to think things to yourself and about yourself you'd say to a friend who was struggling. Sometimes we pile on more and more especially at this time of the year and that can contribute too. Dump the 'shoulds'. Dump the 'it has to be perfect's'. Just do the best you can and remember, help is out there.


  2. I had five kids, and no post partum depression. I was just so danged glad not to be pregnant anymore :)

    I do remember a time or two feeling a bit overwhelmed by all the changes, and the daunting task of raising children mostly on my own. But the feelings didn't last once I got a set routine for myself.

    Perhaps there is a lot more going on in your life than just the new baby (Congratulations, by the way). A new addition to your family can be stressful enough, and add other upheavels to the mix and perhaps your body's chemistry is having a hard time adjusting.

    I hope you have a strong support system - family, friends, significant other - who can take some pressure off so you can relax a little and settle into the new routine both physically and emotionally.

    My daughter had her third baby a month ago, and it seemed to wreek more havoak on her hormones than the other two did. Its been so long ago for me, I don't remember entirely.

    Best of luck to you, and your family.

    And thank you for your comment on my Query :) I've been happy to see you again both on the blogs and FB. I have missed you.


  3. Hi! Congratulations! The same thing happened to me after my 3rd (I was 35, a good 11 years since my next oldest kid). I bled for 16 weeks too (TMI?;-))
    It does take time for the hormones to recover. Rest!
