Wednesday, September 9, 2009

What is my role?

Do any of you wonder that from time to time? How are you, the mother, wife or professional women supposed to interact with your family? I've been thinking about this quite a bit over the past few months.

If you have children, your career choice may be more muddled. Bills for groceries, mortgages, insurance, dance, soccer, piano lessons or gymnastics must be paid. Therefore, money must be earned. Yet, at the same time, someone must be available to pick up children at prescribed times, make dinner, walk the dog. If your part of a two-partner system, it's easier to divvy up the work. If you're single, you get sole ownership. I did this for two months when my husband took a new job. I have complete and utter respect for single parents.

While talking to other moms, the most common thread in our discussions is our ability to do nothing well. I think we are much too hard on ourselves. It's not easy to work and be the primary caregiver to our kids. More fathers are stepping into this main parenting role, which may teach moms how to relax enough to enjoy moments as it comes. Too often, though, I see women (yes, including me) who want to do it all -- have the successful career, spend hours of quality, educational time with our kids, cook from scratch every night and have a loving, supportive relationship with our spouse. Martha Stewart couldn't do it. So why should I put that much pressure on myself?

I've a new plan to ease some of my supermom angst. Each day I will:
1. Write down three things I accomplished.
2. Spend at least two hours with my kids. Focused on their needs.
3. Talk to my husband or a friend about concerns so they don't become overwhelming.

How will you take care of yourself today?

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