Saturday, June 20, 2009

The ugly mail pile

Today when we arrived home, I walked in to a mountain of mail. I do not exaggerate; my table was piled with mail. True, we've been traveling but even taking our trip into account, the sheer volume of paper was overwhelming.

I have a confession: I can't stand clutter. The mere thought of messy stacks makes me edgy. Typically, I deal with the mail as soon as I pull it out of the mailbox. This technique saves me time and eliminates potential crankiness. The evening's wasted hour and a half has solidified my commitment to a few important clutter-busting habits.

1. I will open and handle the mail as it comes in each day.
2. The mail will go directly to its designated spots, keeping my kitchen table and counters pile-free.
3. I'll sign up for e-delivery to reduce my paper consumption.

What will you do to organize your life today?

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