Friday, July 3, 2009

Summer rains

I live in the high desert. To many that means hot temperatures and little, if any, vegetation. And drought is a constant.

While it is true we don't get a lot of water, July is typically the wet season. Temperatures drop by 15 degrees and the ground is saturated as moisture weeps from the sky. The dry, brittle grasses of June flourish again and the cactus bloom in a profusion of reds, pinks and even yellows. Hollyhock blossoms burst from their stalks and birds, chipmunks, and even snakes flit about. July brings renewed life.

Today, as the gray clouds linger and water trickles slowly down my window panes, I find myself thinking about second chances. Everyone has goals; thy are akin to hope and purpose. Or at least offer a reason to get out of bed in the morning.

So here they are, some of my goals:

1. Spend more quality time with my family
2. Exercise with more frequency - unfortunately, the walk to the mailbox doesn't really count as a workout
3. Write for at least an hour

What will you do for yourself today?

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